2-day Custom Acceleration Sprint

3 steps | 8 topics | 2 days

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Custom AI Tools
2-day Custom Acceleration Sprint
G. Dumortier & A. Lesser
Maestrix AI Founders

Build a sales and marketing growth engine that delivers in 90 days

Our custom workshop is designed to help your business do just that. We'll help you craft your unique value proposition, develop a comprehensive content strategy, and refine your online presence to better engage your target audience.

With expert knowledge, practical skills, and actionable insights, you'll learn how to leverage paid advertising, email marketing, and referral marketing to drive growth and maximize customer retention.

We'll help how to:

  • Increase your customer acquisition and retention rates by up to 50%
  • Boost your conversion rates and sales by up to 75%
  • Create content that converts and engages your target audience

Contact us and let's take your growth efforts to the next level!

  • Define your unique positioning canvas
  • Craft a refined value proposition that communicates your brand's unique selling points
  • Research your target audience and create buyer personas to guide your marketing efforts
  • Develop a comprehensive content strategy that aligns with your target audience's interests and needs along their buyer journey
  • Build a strong online presence through website optimization, social media marketing, and SEO
  • Leverage paid advertising and retargeting to increase conversions and sales
  • Design effective email marketing sequences to nurture leads and retain customers
  • Build-in referral marketing to tap into your customers' networks and acquire new customers
  • Develop a customer retention strategy that includes loyalty programs, exclusive offers, and exceptional customer service
  • Gather data and analytics to track your marketing performance and make data-driven decisions
  • Continuously test and iterate your growth efforts to optimize your results and stay ahead of the competition.
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10x growth catalyst. Guillaume has been the extra brain juice in the team. With him we have made 10x on our acquisition in 6 months.

Maxime Moru - CMO @ Nabook
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Here's a secret: Guillaume is a marketing wizard! Thanks to his expertise, our Cinemood paid ads saw a remarkable 10% click-through rate. He also helped build an omni-channel funnel that prioritized creators and high-performing ads. He's a game-changer in the industry.

Alina Kharina - CMO @ Cinemood
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Guiding our journey into AI adoption, the Maestrix team has assessed our business necessities, crafted custom solutions and strategic action plans, and executed with precision and care.

Anup Gosavi - CEO @ Spext